Sunday 17 August 2014

'Locked Out of Heaven - Bruno Mars'

Locked Out of Heaven - Bruno Mars.

If you know me well , you will understand why I have decided to write about this song first. It is my all time favorite song. I know every part, I know all the words, I know the dance routine for when they perform this song. It's ridiculous. I love everything about it, I just wish the song went on for longer. That's all i would change about it.

Bruno Mars, who's real name is Peter Hernandez, is the front man of the band "The Hooligans". As a band they have just extended their Moonshine Jungle Tour of which started last year. I saw it in the O2 in London in October. It was the best thing i've ever witnessed. I saw Bruno again at Wireless Festival in Finsbury Park, London just this month, again, amazing atmosphere and brilliant performance.

He opens the song with a drum solo, with the sound effects that you hear in Locked Out of Heaven, perhaps it's just me, but watching him get into his music makes me too happy. This beat goes on for a bit, there is then some vocal bits of which he mouths. The drum beat gets more complex and then we hit a drum roll. Building up all the crowd, we go into a samba drum beat. His brother then joins the set and you hear the band play a LOH intro and then the crowd goes mental. "Oh yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah yeah yeah!" All of the band performing their choreography in perfect unison.

Plug in earphones or headphones, ensure nobody is going to disturb you, (sometimes i like to do this at night when everyone's asleep and I can't sleep) play LOH, when it gets to the chorus, turn it full volume. Just listen to it, the first lyrics, "Cause you make me feel like, I've been locked out of heaven" then all the wind instruemnts play the 'duhhh duhh duhhh' and the drums are doing a breakdown bit, you can picture yourself jumping up and down with one hand in the air, eyes shut, head to the sky, feeling the power and energy that Bruno shares with this song.

The perfect upbeat, happy song, brilliant for dancing, brilliant for screaming at the top of your lungs.
I love Bruno Mars. That's all. - Music video. - Wireless Festival, Finsbury Park, London. - O2 Arena, London.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

"In music the passions enjoy themselves"

       Hi, my name is Meg. I am 18 years old and from London.

Through blogging I hope that I can share with you a new song each week.
I will be using Youtube, Spotify and other music sources to bring back classic songs, discover new upcoming pieces and showcase original pieces that nobody has heard.

For me, I've always explored my music tastes. Some days I just want to listen to Bruno Mars, however others I can easily settle down with Lulu playing. I've studied both GCSE and A-level music at school which allowed me step outside my comfort zone and give the chart music a break. (I was always listening to the charts and uploading new songs to iPod Nano religiously!) I still follow the charts, just not as regularly now. I listen to music from the 50's and discovered talent such as Jeff Buckley and Miles Davis who before I had no interest in. 

All opinions expressed within the blogs are my own.